About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to investigate, create, and fund scalable initiatives and programs, providing new paths to science literacy.
Our Vision
We envision a world in which understanding science plays a guiding role in shaping a safe, satisfying, and opportunity-filled future for everyone.
Our Values
Science belongs to everyone. They should be able seek its benefits equally without falling prey to misinformation, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.
Our Goals
SLF aims to be:
- A connector, bringing together siloed researchers, journalists, communicators, educators, and policymakers through events, resources, and strategic partnerships so that these groups can work together and learn from one another;
- An incubator, funding seed-level and founder-level projects, providing grants, and forging partnerships that promote creative approaches to science communication, preferably projects at the community level;
- A creator, helping people confront and navigate the 21st century information crisis through smart news and reflections and facilitated discussions to help shape the future of science coverage.
Our Team

Douglas Starr, Co-Founder
Douglas Starr, Professor Emeritus at Boston University, co-directed the Graduate Program in Science Journalism for 29 years. His books and articles have won a Los Angeles Book Prize, the Gold Dagger Award in Britain and the Science in Society Award from the National Association of Science Writers.
A Road Map for a New Science Literacy
Read the white paper >
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